Jun 02, 2004 22:00
Why is it that those that you look up to the most almost always let you down. i think when we focus too much on what others are doing, we lose sight of the fact the not everyone's perfect and we all cant be superheros. (but i still i say i can talk to animals)...
anyways, i think when youre in highschool you really look at those around you who you hang out with or those you want to be like. wether its what they wear, their attitudes, or just the people THEYRE hanging out with. but obviously we cant mold ourselves into one another to become this awesome creation that everyone is going to love.
but those who seem that way, thats tough... you never expect them to have cracks and rips at the seams. you always expect them to stay strong and be such an uplifter. everyone knows first hand that those people are just flesh like all of us and cant be completely relyable.
well we ask why cant we do that for ourselves? of course we cant rely on ourselves for everything. thats not God's purpose for us. He will ALWAYS be there. thick and thin. highest highs and lowest lows. i think thats what i myself really needs to strive to learn. that others cant form who we are and our actions. and we cant always be this rock that is a strong hold for anything that comes our way. thats why we have our Lord. our Father. He is Our Rock, He is that neverending stronghold.
we all need to look at Him in the sense that He will be there when all the tables turn. forget all of the friends that have gone sour because they don't represent Him. He is FAR greater a friend than we could ever ask for!