Day 1

May 24, 2006 15:12

So its my first day of summer. I feel great.

Though I'm working.

My mother and I made a deal with each other. From now on we are going to switch off days. One week I will work mon, weds., and Fri., and then the next week i will work Tues, and thurs. The days i dont work, my mother will be working. Now, let me remind you, I work 3 hours a day 5 days a week, but in a couple of days, i will be working for 16 hours a day, but 2-3 days a week.


On a better note, Lorenzo and I are getting season passes to Islands of Adventure, and Wet n' Wild. For you northerners, Islands of adventure is one of the best theme parks in the world, and wet n; wild is the biggest water park in the world.

Im excited. I plan on going everyday I'm not working.

So, Im a grade older than most of you now, but not for long. Im officially a senior. A SENIOR. Sweet. I just cant wait until i turn 18. There are so many AWESOME clubs here in Orlando, and i can only go to the ones with the 14 and 15 year olds. Screw that. Also when i turn 18 I wont get tested anymore, and I will get to tell Lorenzo's family how old i really am!
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