May 04, 2006 10:46
West Orange is really starting to piss me off. If you miss 10 days of school the whole year you have to take a Competancy(sp) test. Its test test that questions you on all the stuff you learned in all of your classes, and if you fail it, you flunk all of those classes. I think it is so stupid, i have missed like 20 days because i have been really sick, and i still have the best grades of my life, and they think I dont know my stuff? Please.
This test better be easy as fuck.
The only way you can excuse your absences here is if you go to the doctor everytime you are out of school and have him write a note to the school telling the school that you went to the doctor and you are ACTUALLY SICK. IF you dont, there is no other way you can get it excused and it counts against your 10 days.
See, with Lake Ridge, your parents could just call him, or even any member of your family to tell the school just weren't there.
Even to just take your kid out of school for a dentist appoitment or whatever the person calling the school to get you out has to be "On the list" and there can only be 1 person from each students family that can be "On the list".
Im pretty upset right now. Im not really scared about the test i have to take now, because i know it will be easy. But its the fact that this school is like a damn jail. I was so close to getting suspended last year for not having a hall pass when i had to go to the bathroom, and they didn't even let me go before i went to the principals office, they made me hold it.
People here just dont act their age. They act like their 5 years old, so really, the school system has to choice but to buckle down. It just makes me mad that im such a good student and i don't get any more responcibility than the rest of the little pigs at this school.
Every person in florida has an attitude. Everyone. "Why dont you talk Alex? Are you retarded or just stuck up?" I dont fucking talk because i think every person at this damn school is very mental. They all act like little 5 years olds and have no respect for anyone. Not even themselves because most of them have their boobs and asses hanging everywhere for everyone else to see. I can't understand how people can live the way they do. I can't understand why men here like the attitude's these girls have, and i also don't understand how they can take them out in public the way they dress and be proud of them. My boyfriend loves the fact that i cover myself up, because he doesn't want ANY other man looking at me and having sexual thoughts about me. Thats quality right there.
Dont get me wrong, im happy here, i truly am. I hanv't been depressed since i stepped in the florida sand. But i swear the culture is going to drive me insane. Im Serious. I think sometimes, what is Shanaenae (Yes there is a girl named Shanaenae had to move across the country and go to Lake Ridge? She would be so lost, people would hate her, they would look at her with disgust because she is so rude, dresses like a downtown hooker, and talks trash to the teachers.
Im just blowing off some steem. Florida really isn't that bad at all, when I'm not in school.But damn, i really wish somethings would change.