(no subject)

Jul 27, 2007 16:39

i am all for people having their own beliefs or thought or ideas, but some people take things to the extreme. and sometimes i just want to beat some sense into them.
the following is from the website exposingsatanism.org, it should in no way be taken seriously or taken as anything more than the mumblings of a crazed or narrow minded individual.
some people make baby jesus cry.
warning some spoilers

Around the world people are letting the vanguard of the anti-Christ into their homes and into the hearts and souls of their children. Please send this warning out to everyone you know and care about!

The Immaculate Conception as Perverted in the Pagan Harry Potter Books

An article by Lurlene Tyranna Shores

It was with fear and a great sense of shame and guilt that I touched the cover of a Harry Potter book for the first time, and then forced myself to sit through the movies. For weeks I had prayed and asked for guidance, and I hope it was God's will that I did, and saw with my own eyes what is foisted upon the eyes and minds of our children.

I have heard many bad things about these books and movies, there would be countless instances of witchcraft, cursing, brewing of drugs made by boiling alive babies pulled from the earth, sexual congress with goats and many more things not fit for young readers' and viewers' eyes, but what I found was much worse still than I had feared.

Please do not let your children read these books or watch these movies!

I will now tell you why:
The antagonist in the Harry Potter books is a man called Tom (parody of the Trinity, more about that in the next paragraph) Marvolo (marvels miracles) Riddle (referring to the Divine mystery), a man who is three as one, in the spiritual shape of an old man (Voldemort ¨Cmeaning flight of death, a direct reference to the plagues over Egypt), in the body of the young man who lives in the diary (Bible), and as the spirit that guides (as in the first book when he fights the witches for a stone the Sorcerer's Stone that grants immortality and is in defiance of the punishment for the fall).

This Tom Riddle is clearly the God of Christian tradition as other Christian critics of Mrs. Rowling's books have pointed out. When Potter first sees Tom Riddle the Son, Tom is described as strangely blurred around the edges, suggesting a halo (p. 330).

The reason why Mrs. Rowling calls Jesus Tom is simple. In England, the saying every Tom, Dick and Harry is highly popular and in this case alludes to the omnipresence of God in our world. This is another attempt to confuse us by presenting a false, mixed up trinity: Tom, the Father; Dick, the Spirit (better known in the series as the ghost Sir Benedict de Mimpsy Porkington, affectively called Nearly-Headless-Dick by the children); and Harry, as the Son, the false Christ. Later, Tom the Son will remark that he and Potter are very alike (p. 340), causing more confusion in the heart of the reader.

Lucius Malfoy (meaning of bad/wrong faith, again this is misleading!), a respectably dressed family man with the pale hair and ethereal looks of an Angel, representing the Angel Gabriel of the Annunciation (Luke 1:31, but with the name of the fallen one in order to confuse Christian readers) gives the girl of a humble home, Ginny Weasley, the diary of Tom Riddle.

It is not hard to realize this diary, containing the life history of our Lord Tom the Son, represents both the message that she is to become the Divine vessel, and the Christian Bible, the very base of our faith. The Angel Malfoy, with modesty that befits his kind, does not touch the revered and frightened girl but puts the diary in the girl's cauldron, representive of her womb.

The innocent Ginny confides in the diary, asking it questions, and the diary advises her, guides her, like the Holy Scripture. About the diary she says, I'm so glad I've got this diary to confide in ... It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket (p. 335). Isn't this the way we wish our children would think about the Holy Scripture? Ginny continues to ask Tom for guidance, until she, under the malevolent and seductive influence of the anti-Christ figure, Harry Potter, bearing the mark of the beast on his front, rejects it and it falls into his hands.

The little girl writes Potter a poem: His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, He is truly divine, the hero who conquered the dark(sic) lord. Once more a blasphemous attempt to turn the tables around and represent witchcraft, a dark force Christianity has faced and fought since the dark ages, as benevolent, and make God out to be something dark and fearful to us. The terms green eyes and pickled toad should be enough to raise the alarm bells in the mind of any true Christian, but our children are not always well versed in the Divine truth of the Bible and defenceless against this sort of Satanic indoctrination.

Ginny, like our own children, is captured by Potter's serpent-like green gaze, and maybe his tongue; Mrs. Rowling gives away in the first book that the boy can talk to snakes, and considering what we already know about Potter, we should not put seducing an innocent girl into original sin past him. Like our own children, it is a lure she cannot resist, and one the Virgin Mary never had to face.

In this second book in the series, Mrs. Rowling, who for many years studied Satanism and Kabbalah in France and several other secularized old world countries, represents the Immaculate Conception by Ginny of Tom as rape, of the mind but also of the body, and the Annunciation as a fraud committed against the virgin girl meant to be the bride of the anti-Christ figure Potter. She does this inversion of our ancient truths without blinking an eyelash, and according to some is a representative on earth of the ancient demon Lilith, who was rejected by Adam as a wife for her forwardness and her refusal to take a wifes place.

Before the conception of Tom Riddle, the Son, is completed, Potter pierces the Bible Ginny holds with the fang of a serpent-like poisonous monster, burns it, and reclaims his unconscious bride (the scene bears resemblance to the one in Rosemary's Baby since Ginny is also wearing a black robe and her legs are uncovered) while Tom is denied becoming flesh to save the world from Potter and his followers.

A phoenix, favourite symbol of Freemasons like Hilary Clinton, a bird born from fire and with feathers the color of hellish flames, red, gold, orange and yellow (not coincidentally also the colors of Potter's house in the school) comes to Potter's aid.

Not surprisingly, Ginny weeps silently after being 'rescued' by Potter, for deep inside she knows that now she will face a fate worse than death, and that she is lost (p. 350). The movie ends with Potter and his mentor, a master in the Satanic art of shape shifting, humiliating the Angel of the Annunciation.

In a particularly distasteful and lewd display, Potter tries to tempt the rightfully furious Angel by raising his pant leg and showing him his nude ankle. In this way the Harry Potter books contribute to the hidden gay agenda. When this temptation is refused, he has a malignant house spirit who embodies all the evils of stem-cell research curse the angel down.

In the book Blood in Vein, notorious Satanist Brian Hodge puts the blasphemous words, There are many gods. There are many sons conceived by rape.¡± as an answer to the question, What of your being the Son of God? into the mouth of Jesus (p. 271 of the paperback). This is common practice among Satanists, representing God as one of a multitude so we will lose direction, and perverting the birth of our Saviour in rituals where they invert crosses, spill the blood of roosters, have goats rape virgins, and eat newborns. And we now see that they will stop at nothing.

Throughout every next book in the series, Our Lord Voldemort/God tries to smite Potter and, according to Mrs. Rowling, every time he fails, reinforcing gullible readers' confidence in the power of evil.

Potter's godfather, the ancient Egyptian demon Sirius (better know to us as Satan, or Potter's [GOD] ie true father, historically Set) who also takes the shape of a large black dog, and is described as both beautiful and violent by Mrs Rowling, appears in three of the books and returns physically to the underworld when Potter turns sixteen and is no longer in need of his protection. One wonders if the infernal nuptials of Potter's mother Lily, also named after Lilith, and this dog will be described in any of the following books.

Nothing good can come of this. Our country is now beleaguered in the Harry Potter merchandize, colorfully, festively almost announcing the arrival of the anti-Christ. The worst product available to corrupt our youth was Potter's vibrating broomstick, now taken off the market under pressure of Christian parents because it taught young girls how to abuse themselves and awoke their interest in the sins of the flesh. This is damage that cannot be undone.

Our own President and his wife have let this evil into the White House and have boasted Harry Potter themed Christmas decorations! The Vatican, not coincidentally located in the centre of Europe, has sided with the Satanists and proclaimed Harry Potter harmless; once again the Catholic Church forsakes the Christ and sides with those who would pull us down with them into eternal damnation. It may be already too late to save our world, but we can save our souls and refuse the ticket for a one-way trip to hell Potter provides. It is never too late to cancel your trip.

God bless you and be with you always

Comments about this article should be sent to the author Lurlene Tyranna Shores

religious nuts

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