ficlet: of madness and ecstasy

Nov 24, 2010 01:44

 Of Madness and Ecstasy. Doctor/Rose. All ages. 308 words.
There is time here, waves of it like wheat and gold but it floats in the air instead of rising from the ground. I can smell it, but I think you can't. You look at me like you have no idea its there, and I want to show you.

A/N: This is completely inspired by takethewords . She wrote this brilliant piece of madness at TTU, and my plot bunnies exploded.


This is the edge.

Can you see it? The red rock cliff face, the dying sun sinking over the horizon like a dog being put down. There is dust and rubble here, but my boots pretend to not notice. Do yours? Can you feel the texture of the dying earth, this rock like Mars but not Mars? Tell me. What do you know?

There is time here, waves of it like wheat and gold but it floats in the air instead of rising from the ground. I can smell it, but I think you can't. You look at me like you have no idea its there, and I want to show you.

Closer. This is the precipice.

Tell me.

Madness, ecstasy. Would you jump?

This is something that we created, something alien. Do you understand? This is life. Rock, rubble, russet lifeless stone that lifts our feet which house our femurs which cradle the pelvis that holds the spine that wraps its gaping maw around our brains.

Synapses, Rose.

How are we standing here?

You asked, I think. And I wanted to show you but its the impossible and painful reminder of what you can't see. Where will we go from here? Down, jump? The wind is joy if you will only listen to it.

The landing wouldn't be soft. It never is, not with you. Not with me.

We will surely die, I think. Here and now or later and then and there. I will wake, the grass will tickle my nose. Just like this second on this dusty rock, my fingers will touch you and twine with you and tell you stories. Now I want to kiss your mouth because of the beautiful things you say, and the way you see the light in the stars.

What will I kiss if you die? The dust of cells and mitochondria is poor company. I cannot bear your eyes to not see this. Here.

Here, yes.

Down. We can follow the sun down.

Please. Take me with you.
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