To the Tune "Song of River City"

Feb 22, 2007 02:06

Ten years--dead and living, two parted by a vast dimness.
I never think about you,
Yet forgetting is very hard.
A lonely grave a thousand miles away--
I have nowhere to speak of my misery.
Even if we met, you wouldn't know me:
My face covered with dust,
Temples like frost.

Last night in a mysterious dream I was suddenly home.
By the window of the little room
Your were combing your hair and making up.
Facing each other wordlessly,
With only a thousand lines of tears streaming down.
I suspect your heart breaks year after year
On moonlit nights
On the hill covered with stubby pines.

--Su Shi, translation by Burton Watson.

Because it reminded me of certain late wives in a certain manga series I fangirl like nobody's business.

High art, low art...who can tell the difference these days?

bleach, seeeeerious

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