Get out the Ivory crate. It be rantin' time.

Mar 22, 2010 12:36

I am not going to go into the multibillion page rant that would be my views (both positive and negative) on the health care overhaul headed for Obama's desk. However, I WILL grace y'all with a tiny excerpt.

One of the wallbanger bits of jargon that has been thrown around like confetti in this process is "the young invincibles", a supposedly massive untapped market for health care, made up of the bloomingly youthful, who consider themselves too healthy (and too eternally young!) to bother with insurance.

I have never fucking met a "young invincible", and remember that I spent the last 5 years in a city mainly populated by the young, ambitious, and critically short on common sense. What I HAVE met is crowds of young adults who have to make a choice between paying the monthly premium for health care in case they get involved in a car accident, or paying their monthly auto insurance premium so they can drive to work to get the money to make the catch-22 choice in the FIRST place. I've met crowds of young adults making the choice between doing what they love most and excel at for less than chickenshit versus being miserable in a job that has some sort of fringe benefits.

We're not fucking invincible. We're making a hard, scary choice in order to get by. Give us a shred of credit once in awhile, for the love of Bastet.

That's all. You can put the soap back in the box now.

rant, seeeeerious, fucktards in high places, whinging, rl

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