Balboa looking out over the Pacific

May 03, 2009 20:24

My degree is complete. My graduation ceremony has come and gone, as have my relatives.

So this is the next stage of life.

I elected not to do job-hunting during the school year on the premise that given graduating college, searching for jobs, and keeping my sanity...I could only do two out of three at once. And I'm a bit attached to the sanity by now.

Fortunately, I can keep my part-time job for the duration of the summer (and even pick up some extra hours) and that will cover my living expenses at the co-op for that period of time. I'm going to use my spare time to carpet-bomb with my resume in hopes of finding a full-time job somewhere. (And if you hear of any place that needs a librarian, archivist, or records manager, please let me know.)

If I haven't gotten any offers by the end of the summer, I have enough in savings to survive unemployed for several months while I keep looking. Longer, even, if I can find a crappy job to supplement that. I'm probably going to move out to Portland, OR, in that case. The economy sucks all over but in Michigan it's so far down the toilet that I can see Elvis...and as long as I'm going to be unemployed, it might as well be somewhere I like.

And now it's time for me to thank each and every one of you on my f-list for supporting me through my grad school odyssey. It's been a long, tough journey but the end result is worth it and I couldn't have done it without you. THANK YOU.

gainful employment, thanks, librarianism, grad school, rl

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