Holiday f-list gifts

Dec 25, 2008 18:55

Hey out there, I hope all of you are enjoying your respective celebrations (or lack thereof)!

Since I suck at writing cards and prefer not to engage in the consumer-frenzy of exchanging gifts, this year I am making charitable donations inspired by and in honor of the people I am proud to call my friends. The three charities selected are all rather topical, related to issues we collectively struggled with in the past year

The first was Planned Parenthood, because women in my life have had to struggle more than they should have with the cost of birth control and with the way the economy is going, more and more of us are going to have to be making hard choices in that area. Planned Parenthood is one of the few truly affordable options left.

Next was Lambda Legal, because we've come so far in the legal battles for queer rights but there's still so far to go. It has hit home in bad ways for people on my f-list. Lambda Legal has been involved in these court cases for decades, especially in the 2003 Supreme Court decision that overturned sodomy laws.

Finally, because so many of my friends are struggling with the costs of education for themselves and their children, the third charity selected is the Harlem Children's Zone (which I first learned about on This American Life). It provides children in an impoverished neighborhood with preschool, community centers, and other programs to give them a real chance to succeed.

Anyway, thank you ALL for being my support and my inspiration. You are amazing and this is the least I can do to acknowledge that and pay it forward.

Peace and love, y'all, peace and love.

(And, if you are in a mood to spread a little cheer, please click my dragon eggs!)


holiday gifts, f-list love, rl

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