Meme, a little on the late side.

May 29, 2006 10:35

Got tagged for this by lotus_seed about a week ago, but only just got around to doing this. ^_^; The task was to name 10 anime or video game characters that I find attractive, so here goes, in no particular order:

1) Jin from Samurai Champloo--Oh man, kendo is HOT when it's done right, and with glasses, no less. Oh, and some beautiful touches of Greek tragedy. Those don't hurt either.
2) Ishida Uryuu from Bleach--I have to agree with Lotus that his seiyuu should be doing phonesex, and somehow having such frilly taste in craft projects only makes him cuter.
3) Ishida Ryuuken from Bleach--Same hot dorky glasses, but not jailbait, and so morally ambiguous! Oh baby, shoot ME in the heart, why doncha?
4) Kurotsuchi Nemu from Bleach--Legs that go on forever, a strength and moral fiber that belie her mousy facade, and so MATTER-OF-FACTLY perverted.
5) Kurosaki Isshin from Bleach--He's FREAKIN' NUTS, and damn, he makes having a physique like a burly yakuza look really, really good.
6)Major Makoto from Ghost in the Shell--Cyborg lesbian who runs around naked and arrests bad why can't I find any chicks like that in my area??
7) Genjyo Sanzo from Saiyuki--Again with the morally ambiguous older men; I think the atheist in me likes heretics and iconoclasts. Also, who can argue with purple eyes??
8) Ootori Kyouya from Ouran High School Host Club--Again with the glasses and the moral ambiguity...and the fact that he essentially calls himself Tamaki's wife...
9) Fujioka Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club--Again with the glasses! Put them back on, Haruhi, and muss your hair, and believe me I won't care WHAT gender you are...
10) Himura Rikuou from Legal Drug--Tribal tattoos, ability to undo locks (and knots...) and a big damn crush on his pretty little partner. Oooh!

I'm supposed to tag 5 more people in turn, but I don't think I have five friends that don't overlap with HER friendlist, so never mind that for now...

samurai champloo, bleach, genderbender, memes

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