Pondering employment in the breadline

Dec 15, 2008 02:00

So, I've been working on a job-hunting strategy, something I've mentioned to quakey already. Trying to apply for jobs WHILE finishing a degree that makes me irritable and crazy would result in...exponential irritable and crazy. I'm more likely to simply pick a city large enough to have a decent number of libraries/archives/records management type jobs (as well as a constant need for register clerks, stockers, waitstaff, etc) but with low enough cost of living that I can survive on my savings (~$15,000, as long as I don't have to buy a car right away) for up to six months. Alternatively, I could move somewhere with a bit higher cost of living if there were someone I knew there who I could split rent with. So far, I've been considering Minneapolis/St. Paul, Seattle, Atlanta, and Vancouver, BC. Does anyone have suggestions for places that might fit my criteria? Any of you looking for roommates come May?


dragons, gainful employment, librarianism, rl

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