Qvestion. (Also, excuse for eggs.)

Dec 12, 2008 16:51

So. Have any of you ever taken a course where your final assignment was to tell the professor what he could do better next time....and the only thing you could come up with was "Sod off teaching and go get a job as a turnip farmer instead ( Read more... )

haet, librarianism, qvestion, rl

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lightseeker_81 December 13 2008, 07:36:23 UTC
Ah, but would he be good at being a turnip farmer? XD

I haven't been in an exact kind of situation, but I can imagine how frustating it can be. The closest that comes to mind is the publishing minor I picked last year. I had to publish two book with nine other girls and the teacher who was supposed to be our mentor had serious health problems. And the guy who replaced him was a less than adequate. He never seemed interested or invested in what we were doing, only complained and never encouraged us. Combine that with the fact that the college had no idea whatsoever what they were doing when setting up the minor. We had to bring our own laptops with us to work on, we didn't have the right programmes to work with, the classes we had to go to once a week did not connect what we were doing in the field, etc.

About a month ago the college scheduled a meeting with the ten of us. The head of the department and his assistant were there, but our mentor couldn't make it. They wanted to know what they could do to improve the minor, since it was a pilot program.

I think they may have regretted the meeting afterwards. Plus, all ten of us basically stated that our mentor had no business being a mentor and that he should not be one to the new group of students doing the minor this year.


thenakedcat December 13 2008, 07:44:45 UTC
Just....ow. There's not much that can sink a course faster than a crappy teacher. Sorry you had to make your way through without his help!

In my case, it's really not a problem with the professor so much as with the stupid program and the shape it forces the curriculum into. Only way I could get the right amount of credits was to take this stupid, not-in-my-concentration course....and the professor assumes that we're all there because we're absolutely fascinated with the subject matter.


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