[Fic] Turncoat

Jul 22, 2007 23:17

Title: Turncoat
Author: thenakedcat
Rating: PG-13, for violence and Ichigo's libido.
Pairing: IchiIshi
Summary: Black suits, black magic, and cosmic poker games.
Author's Note: Very much AU, in vein of The X-Files and Men in Black. Inspired by bordge's Red Couch picture. Dedicated to lotus_seed for being a bestest best friend. Apologies to any serious practitioners of tarot for the mistakes I've undoubtedly made in this.

( Clothes don't make the man, but they sure can fool the maitre'd. )

X-posted to kurosaki_clinic, ishidafansanon, and ishi_ichi.

bleach, ryuuken, fic

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