Open letters are catharsis

Jun 12, 2007 09:07

To the construction crew located somewhere behind the co-op:

Dudes. What the fuck??

I know you've got a job to do, I know it's a noisy one and whenever you do it someone will be pissed about the racket. You have my sympathy for that--that's why, when you wake me up at 10AM after I only got to sleep at 5AM the night before, I grumble, yeah, but I don't take it any kind of personal. 10AM is when normal people are awake and dressed and off doing their jobs.

7AM, however, is a WHOLE 'NOTHER BARREL OF FISH. There are PLENTY of people, including a majority of the 25 in this house, including ME who even went to bed earlier than usual last night, who are still trying to sleep at 7AM, and who DO NOT APPRECIATE JACKHAMMERING AND TRUCKS BACKING UP EVERY 5 SECONDS AND WHATEVER THE HELL ELSE YOU'RE DOING THAT MAKES SO MUCH NOISE THAT I CAN STILL HEAR IT WITH MY WINDOW CLOSED AND MY PILLOW OVER MY HEAD.

No love, and in fact I hope you all get a stomach virus,

Kim with circles under her eyes.

open letters, whinging

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