Title: "Morning After" Omake for "Oasis"
thenakedcatRating: PG, for references to bodily functions and hot sex?
Pairing: Mentions of Ichigo/Ishida.
Author's Notes: A short omake for my AU fic
Oasis, because some people asked to see more of the AU involvng PapaRabu, but it will be awhile before I get that written. In the meantime, I offer this little scene as a teaser.
After a night of tent-shaking passion, it was somehow ironically appropriate that what woke Ichigo the next morning was as thoroughly unromantic as a very full bladder. He could almost hear sloshing as he performed the delicate task of extracting himself from Uryuu's sleepy, persistent clutches, but in the end he made it out of the blankets and into his clothes with his lover still peacefully dreaming.
For a few moments as he untangled himself, Ichigo had the presence of mind to note that the sun was already making the canvas glow warmly, and to wonder where the Viper had got to and why his head was still attached to his shoulders. But when he pulled on his salwar and tunic, Ichigo noticed the faint streaks of indigo on his palms, his chest, his thighs--probably on his face too, since he'd spent enough time kissing Uryuu's various blue-tinged body parts. It banished all thoughts of venomous father-in-laws and being arrow-skewered from his mind and left a silly, horny grin on his face as he pulled aside the partition-curtain which had not been there the night before.
Mid-butt-scratch, he suddenly realized that Uryuu was not the only other person in the tent. A slender, indigo-clad form knelt on the other side of the curtain, back to Ichigo, ladling porridge out from a pot into two clay bowls. Ichigo was still not fully awake yet; this new person (he had a vague impression that this was a woman, from the lack of a veil, the silver pentacle earrings and the long steel-gray hair hanging loose over narrow shoulders) confused him enough to simply stand there, jaw slackened, for a few moments.
He was still trying to add this up to a coherent whole; since when did strange women come into the Ishidas' tent unannounced? And...oh man, was that breakfast for him? Because if so he felt so damn loved...until the figure turned around. He (once Ichigo had seen the figure's front he was pretty sure this was a man) was also frozen for a moment with the shock of finding someone else awake. But he recovered much faster than Ichigo, and the sharp but not unpleasant features slid down from surprise into a glare that was all. too. familiar. One that said, "I hold you in exactly the same level of regard as gnats, and at least they're easier to ignore." Then the eyes lowered again, going back to their business, having paid him all the heed they deemed him worthy of.
Ichigo's legs must have solved the puzzle earlier than the rest of him, because they somehow managed to avoid being mesmerized by the Viper's paralyzing eyes. Blue eyes, with the golden glint of reflected sunlight even at midnight, just as they always appeared in that narrow strip of the face left uncovered by the veil. But now he had seen Ishida Ryuuken without his veil, as an uninvited guest in his tent, and he was fleeing out of the camp and into the dunes because the punishment for that was death and his last desire on Earth was not to wet himself when his head was lopped off.
As he shivered in abject fear out on the open sand (salwar around his ankles, not even making a puddle because the dunes sucked up every drop of moisture so quickly), several things occurred to him that his brain had not had time to consider back in the tent. First, was that the Viper was unaccountably beautiful for someone known to curse the sun just for shining. He had the same elegant-boned face as Uryuu, more deeply blued from many more years of wearing the veil. The darker indigo marks where the edge of the veil rubbed against the bridge of his nose, his cheekbones, his brow made a frame around those awe-inspiring eyes, drawing your gaze in even as you knew it to be your doom. It was rugged and delicate and painfully knowing all at once, a fitting visage for a man cursed with an astounding gift.
And, it occurred to him as he pulled his pants back up, that deadly glance had turned away from him, just barely acknowledged his presence and then looked away. He'd been caught gazing at the Viper's naked face, and then let go. The Viper could simply have called out and claimed his life right then, for only the very closest of his kin ever saw a Quincy man unveiled.
That meant he was family now. Clearly not a relative that the Viper enjoyed seeing, but not to be simply thrown out for that reason as anyone else would be.
Ichigo was grinning again, with a new spring in his step, as he walked back to the tent for breakfast.
Cross-posted to
ishi_ichi and