Update on my internet situation, for those who might want to hear.

Apr 07, 2007 01:44

Told y'all on March 23rd that internet was out in my co-op house because Comcast is a bunch of egg-sucking pissants who can't pee straight without instructions--to take a line from the late, great Molly Ivins. At that point it had already been out for 10 days.

It is now April 7, Day 25 of the Great Intarwebs Drought.

Comcast COMPLETELY refused to talk to us about unsuspending our account, and the only reason they would give for the suspension was "high bandwidth usage". YEAH, THAT SOMETIMES HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE 30 COLLEGE STUDENTS IN ONE HOUSE. (This stage of the proceedings involved a lot of phone-tag and crying on my part.)

We looked at other options, but Comcast is the only cable gig in town, our house isn't wired to be able to receive DSL, and T1 is out of our price range. (Housemate Paul did this part.)

Thus we went crawling back to Comcast, and our maintenance manager, Geoff, managed to convince them to give us a REAL commercial account. (Commercial accounts pay more but almost never get banned. We thought we had one, because Comcast is a bunch of fuckers who can't keep their fucking records straight.)

We turned in our old modem, guy came and installed a new one, and we thought everything would be fine.


MUCH more phonecalling and dealing with jackasses ensued. (Fortunately handled by Geoff, if it had been me handling it there would have been a homicide by now.) Apparently, the Abuse Department (they call it Customer Security Assurance, I call it the Gestapo) cannot be contacted directly, not even by other departments of Comcast. We have to leave pleading phone messages and emails, and hope against hope that they call us back.

That's where we stand right now. I am posting this on a pirated wireless signal from next door that can only be accessed from the basement and likes to disappear in the middle of uploading my homework assignments.

So what I want to ask all of you is.........know any good manuals on guerilla warfare for bands of about 30 revolutionaries?

seeeeerious, whinging, teh intarwebs

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