Is there such thing as a guff Molotov cocktail? Because Comcast needs one.

Mar 15, 2007 23:02

The title of the post, translated from Angry Co-oper, means, "Can we pool our resources to firebomb the corporate offices of our ISP?"

Long story somewhat shorter: the house's internet has been completely shut off--without any warning, and they won't tell us why. As house treasurer, anything that involves people we pay bills to lands in my lap. I'm trying to find out what we need to do to get our account reinstated, but it ain't goin' well, brutha. We may end up switching providers if this continues past this weekend.

So, if I'm late replying to LJ comments, if you don't see me on IM, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't think I don't love you anymore. It's just that even I draw the line at sleeping in a university computer lab, or in an internet cafe.


whinging, teh intarwebs

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