Nov 18, 2009 03:00
Long story shortened
The guy that owns and runs my local games store is the brother of the guy I dated in high school. I found this out back in the summer but didn't really do anything about it. I was looking through pictures on my LGS guy's Facebook and saw a familiar face in his wedding pictures. I asked him about the relation and turns out yes, I did indeed meet him 15 years ago in his parents' basement. I told him not to tell his brother about my asking about him because I was embarrassed and I that I barely remember 15 minutes ago, much less 15 years ago.
I was going to go to a couple events at the store until I found out about it. Sunday night, LGS guy messages me and asks me why I haven't shown at any of the Street Fighter 4 Game Nights and I told him plainly that I chickened out because I didn't know how it was going to go and I didn't want to cause a scene and stuff. He told me that his brother was expecting me to show up the last couple weeks. I was like, uh, why?
I showed up Monday Night for some Street Fighter action all nervous as hell. The HS Boyfriend walked by me at least 4 times without noticing me I was doing such a good job hiding in the shadows. When they gathered us up for the beginning of the event which was being run by HSB I stepped into the light and his reaction was, "OH MY GOD TINA!!!!!!!" In all my years I have NEVER heard my voice said with such joy and glee. Everyone that was there was like "Uh, what's the deal with the girl?"
We couldn't talk much that night because of all the stuff going on. I'm going to the SF4 tournament on Saturday which guarantees the same but at least I can feel comfortable being there. Hopefully we can arrange a time to catch up on the last 15 years. Saying that makes me feel so old.