In the Dead of Night

May 08, 2013 22:28

In the Dead of Night, Human!Doctor/Rose, ADULT

“I missed you,” he breathes against her neck and her only response is a gasp as his fingers find home and slide inside her., 393

His lips wake her in the middle of the night, his hand already snaking down below the waistband of her knickers. She is awake instantly; her blood racing, her lips returning the kiss and her hands digging into his back.

“I missed you,” he breathes against her neck and her only response is a gasp as his fingers find home and slide inside her. He grins wickedly and turns his hand so his palm is up and then curls his fingers in; he knows he’s hit his mark when her hips buck wildly underneath him.

“I missed you too,” she gasps in response, her breathing coming in rapid gasps as his fingers work against her. She bites her lip and moans; he takes advantage of this and increases his speed and pressure.

She comes with a scream and his lips against hers.

When he withdraws his hand she is quick to turn the tables, forcing him to flip over on his back. He smiles; he knows wants coming as she slides down his body, her eyes lit up in lust and anticipation.

At first it’s a gentle, barely-there touch, a whisper of her tongue on his cock. He grips the sheets in anticipation and suddenly her mouth is around him; wet, hot, tight. She swirls her tongue around his tip and then takes him in one go, her head moving up and down, more and more rapidly.

He stops her just before he comes and pulls her up until she’s straddling him. She raises herself, adjusts, and then slides down onto him in one quick movement. His jaw clenches and the effort he’s making not to come is monumental. She moves; faster and faster. His hands slide up her body and then she’s moving them for him, up to her breast. His thumbs brush her nipples and she gasps, tilting her head back. Her eyes are shut and he knows that she is close as well.

She slows her pace for a moment before speeding back up; it is enough.

They come together and her name is a whisper on his lips.

She stays as she is for a moment; head tipped back, eyes closed. He smiles and pulls her down and kisses her. Hard.

In the morning she wakes and he is still there. She smiled wickedly and slides down his body.

challenge 009, vamp926

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