challenge 004

Mar 04, 2013 09:24

Hey guys! I can't wait to find out what you do with these prompts.

This week, the challenge is Five Times! You know the drill--five times the Doctor and Rose went to the supermarket, five times the Doctor and Rose went swimming, etc. In at least five parts, give us all the glorious Doctor/Rose you can muster up. Oh, here's the catch: you have to use a different prompt for each section. That might sound daunting, but I've provided twenty-five pics for you to choose from.


1. This challenge ends in one week, Monday, March 11th at 9pm EST.

2. You may enter up to three times.

3. Keep your fic Doctor/Rose focused. Remember, they are totally into each other, guys!

4. Please tag your entry with your usernames and the challenge number.

challenge 004

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