Title: Together
silverlunarstarCharacters/Pairings: 9/Rose
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Warnings/Spoilers: Post-The Unquiet Dead
Words: 115
Summary: One-shot. "We'll go down fighting, yeah?" "Yeah." "Together?" "Yeah!"
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership.
Author's Note: Here's another one; it's just a drabble. THIS one was inspired by
awesome gif story on the discussion post. Maybe I should start staying away from those posts… Nah! It’s a bit of a messy format, but that’s how it wanted to be written.
Everywhere they went, they were mistaken for a couple. After their second adventure, they stopped denying it. Sometime within the beginning and the end of their adventure with Charles Dickens, it was an unspoken agreement.
It could have been at, "Not a bad life?" "Better with two."
Maybe it was while they were arguing about the Gelth.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was at, "I'm so glad I met you." "Me too."
Did it matter? Rose thought, as she looked up at the Doctor as he grinned and she grinned back, as she took his hand, running out of the TARDIS, towards their next adventure.
It didn't matter, as long as they did it together.