(no subject)

Oct 13, 2011 00:03

Differences, Rose/Nine

But then, they're not so different after all.

A/N:  This is a little short one--but I think it captures the mood.  Hope you enjoy.


Everything changed that day.  They stood side by side as she watched flames engulf her planet and suddenly they had something in common.  He had seen his world disappear before his eyes, and now she would, too.  The Time Lord and the human.  Not so different after all.

And when his fingers mingled with hers, palm against palm, she saw again how they weren’t so different.  His skin was warm and soft, like hers.  When he gazed down at her his eyes held the same unspoken words, ones they had been meaning to say since she first stepped into the mad blue box.  And that night, when they lay in bed, her head resting on his chest, she heard his two hearts beat in time with her own.

Not so different after all.

challenge 85, :rambler18

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