The autumn leaves - gold, amber, and crimson - made the trees come alive like they were on fire and Rose, standing high above it all, was the match. 5,180 words
A/N: Hello, Everyone! This is my first fic here and I just want to join the other newbies in saying how honored I am to get the chance to write along side all of you! The level of writing
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Thank you! I've never written AU before, but I think that this is the most fun aspect to it. It's like a nudge with your elbow to a fellow "insider." The reader has to know the line/scene you're riffing to see the double meaning there ... but you still have to write it so that it can also work strictly in the AU space you're creating. It can be a more obvious trick, like using a familiar speech pattern for a character, or you can make it much more subtle, so that you really have to know the canon well to not miss it. The latter is what made writing this piece interesting to me, personally. I would love to hear a line you caught and liked! :)
I understand your trepidation with AU stories. I think that Rose would love the Doctor in any regeneration, anywhere and anywhen., and vice versa for him. I really can't imagine a universe in which they wouldn't work because what works is on that raw/intangible/most basic level. Cardial AC/DC! I think if you can write in those bits that make Rose and Ten intrinsically who they are, then they will just find each other and do the rest, no matter where and when and how you stick 'em. I could never write a fic in which they failed together - that would simply be impossible.
I'm preening at the fact that I turned your head. Nice to meet you, fellow newbie! :D
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