(no subject)

Feb 25, 2011 23:59

Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good, TenII/Rose, PG
“You are a bloody idiot,” Rose repeated.

“I know,” he muttered then pouted a bit. “It was a really brilliant plan though. I never meant to make you angry, Rose. I just really was the one who could…”, 2,268
(A/N: This is a crossover with Ghostbusters.)

“This was a brilliant idea,” Rose said.

“Absolutely,” the Doctor agreed as he squeezed her a bit tighter around the middle. “It was mine.”

“And my insistence we get away from Torchwood and my mother had nothing to do with it?”

“Well, you didn’t specifically say let’s visit this century’s New York,” the Doctor pointed out. He leaned down and kissed her neck. “I quite like being able to visit it when cat nun’s aren't trying to kill me or a bit of skin isn’t possessing you.”

“I kind of miss Cassandra,” Rose replied.

“How can you miss her?” The Doctor asked. “She tried to kill you. Twice. Actually more.” He furrowed his brow. “How many times did she jump into you again? I’ve no idea why you’d miss someone who tried to kill you.”

“I miss her because she showed me how much you still cared about me,” Rose informed him. “I had been a bit scared about jumping into the TARDIS with this man in pinstripes telling me he was the Doctor.”

“I thought after I had defeated the Sycorax we’d sorted all that,” the Doctor responded. He spun Rose around to face him and she gave him a sheepish look. “Oh, Rose. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“A bit late for it now,” Rose pointed out. “Let’s focus on the here and now. We’re together, very much in love, married and enjoying a nice holiday away from paperwork and my mum.”


“Just shut up and kiss me,” Rose ordered him.

“Oh, fine,” the Doctor muttered trying to look put upon at the request, but was quickly and quite eagerly kissing his wife.

Suddenly their nice little moment was ruined by a loud murmuring on the ferry. Rose gently pushed the Doctor away, giving him a worried expression. They both turned around to look in the direction of the Statue of Liberty and groaned.

“There goes our nice vacation,” Rose muttered.

“I blame your mum,” the Doctor told her.

Rose glared at him.

“What? I do.”


“Peter, we have a problem.”

Dr. Peter Venkman groaned when he heard the voice and let his head fall onto his desk, onto the paperwork that Janine insisted he had to sign or a number of terrible things would happen. She wasn’t clear on what those terrible things might be, but Janine Melnitz, no, Spengler knew how to break him.

“If you say the end of the world is coming, I will kill you, Egon,” Peter warned.

“Very well.”

Peter sighed in relief and lifted his head to see the rest of his teammate’s standing in front of his desk. Each wearing various looks of anxiety.

“But it kinda is,” Ray piped up. “A wormhole or something opened up right behind the Statue of Liberty. The Statue’s fine, but, um, the city isn’t going to be in about five minutes.”

“Damn it,” Peter said. He pushed himself up. “Well, suit up, gentlemen, we’ve got some demons to capture.”

The four men started to leave Peter’s office when a tall man wearing an "I Love NY" sweatshirt with spiky hair and a worried blonde woman at his side intercepted them. Peter wondered for a moment why Janine hadn’t stopped them, but remembered she had a doctor’s appointment today and wouldn’t be in until later. If there was a later.

“Actually, they aren’t demons,” the man informed the Ghostbusters. “They’re aliens. And while we have the knowledge to stop them, you apparently have the equipment. So, I propose we team up and save the world.”

“And just who do you think you are?” Peter asked.

“Well, I’m the Doctor and this is Rose Tyler,” the man answered, gesturing to himself then to the woman next to him. “We’re part of Torchwood. We keep this planet safe from alien lifeforms intent on destroying it.”

“Aliens aren’t real,” Ray stated.

The Doctor and Rose exchanged amused grins.

“They’re more real than you think,” Rose told Ray. “As men who dedicate their lives to keeping the world safe from demons and the dangerous bits of the supernatural, why would it be so difficult to believe that aliens aren’t real?”

While Ray stuttered to come up with an answer, Egon’s PKE meter made a few noises as Dr. Spengler scanned it over the Doctor.

“May I take a sample of your brain tissue?” Egon inquired.

“Perhaps after we stop the alien threat,” the Doctor suggested.

“You are not giving anyone a sample of your brain tissue, Doctor,” Rose interjected.

“Oh,” the Doctor murmured. “My wife says no. I could give you a brain scan though. Show you all the synapses synapsing.”

“That would be acceptable,” Egon replied.


“Ow,” Peter complained as Rose attempted to stop the bleeding coming from his wound. Rose grimaced in sympathy. The two had moved away from the fight so she could help Dr. Venkman while the others fought off the oncoming invasion.

“Sorry,” she apologized. “I’m usually better when I’m in the field with a med kit. I’m also usually not distracted by the fact my husband’s got a nuclear accelerator on his back. Once upon a time I was worried he’d do enough damage with a Sonic Screwdriver or that he’d land us in the wrong century.”

“Oh, no problem,” Peter responded lightly. “It’s not like I needed the arm.”

Rose didn’t say anything as she bit her lip and flinched at the sound of an explosion. She shot to her feet and Peter decided right there he wasn’t going to stop her if she ran off towards the fight. After a moment she sat back down and frowned.

“He’ll be fine,” Peter said.

“Yeah,” she agreed lightly. “I can’t help except be concerned. He likes to get into unnecessary danger. However, he keeps forgetting he can’t regenerate.”

“So, he’s really an alien then?”

“Half,” Rose corrected.

“How does one become half an alien?” Peter inquired.

“That’s a long story that begins many years ago and in another universe,” Rose answered.

Peter gave her a crooked grin, “You better not tell me you’re Princess Leia and that he’s Han Solo.”

“It’s almost like that,” Rose said. “We used to travel through time and space. And now we save the world from Earth and have tea with my mum on Sundays.”

“Is that better or worse?” Peter asked.

“Better,” Rose answered. “Definitely better. Even got a shiny ring out of it.” She wiggled her finger with a silly smile.

“And you’re happy.”

“Deliriously,” Rose continued. She sighed and looked around at the destruction. “They can do this, can’t they?”

“Of course,” Peter told her. “You’ve got some of the biggest brains on the case. With your hubby in the mix I’m sure we’ll be celebrating in the nearest bar within the hour.”

A defeaning and inhuman scream, a blinding light and the destruction of a few more surrounding buildings followed by Peter’s statement before there was utter silence then the uproarious cheer from the people of New York City.


“You bloody idiot.”

The Doctor flinched as Rose smacked the back of his head then glanced over at Winston as if looking for help. The Ghostbuster shook his head then took a few steps back.

“Don’t be mad at him, Rose,” Ray said. “He saved the day.”

“And nearly killed himself,” Rose added, with a glance at the youngest Ghostbuster. “How should I not be mad about that?”

“But I was the only one who could…”

Rose shot the Doctor a dark glare and he sank into the couch on the second floor of the Ghostbusters headquarters. It softened a bit as she took in his slightly crispy appearance. He had lost an entire sleeve of the jumpsuit Egon had loaned him, had managed to get scrapes over most of his face and there was a very nice hole right under the SPENGLER name tag. His hair also managed to suffer and while it was just a superficial sheer the Doctor had finagled a bandage to cover the bald spot on the left side of his head. Rose was sure there were some other injuries, but the Doctor wouldn’t let anyone take him to the hospital where Egon and Janine were currently with Peter.

“You are a bloody idiot,” Rose repeated.

“I know,” he muttered then pouted a bit. “It was a really brilliant plan though. I never meant to make you angry, Rose. I just really was the one who could…”

“I know,” Rose interrupted. She ran a hand through his hair. “I worry though. You’ve just got the one heart.” Her hand moved over the pounding organ. “The one life. And if I lose you, what do I have left?”

“And I believe that’s our cue to leave,” Winston piped up. “Ray, let’s go see if Slimer left anything in the kitchen.”

“Why do we have to leave?” Ray asked.

“Ray, just come on.”

Winston pulled Ray out of the room leaving the Doctor and Rose to their own devices.

“You’re mad because you think I’ll die,” the Doctor said.

“We were supposed to be safe,” Rose shot back. “We were supposed to be on holiday. A week without having to worry about going into the field or mum slapping you. Our lives are never going to be safe though, are they? And you’re never going to stop jumping into the line of fire, are you? You’ll keep doing it until you literally can’t anymore.”

“We’ve talked about this, Rose,” the Doctor replied. “You said you weren’t going to quit Torchwood just because I thought it was dangerous and I joined so we could keep each other safe. I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

“And I don’t know what I want you to say. We’ve had this conversation so many times that I’ve really no idea what I wanted to hear in the first place anymore,” Rose returned. “I just want you to stop being stupid. You can be the hero, but you’ve got to be a bit more careful about it.”

“How do I do that?” The Doctor asked. “I’ve never been one for protocol and I really don’t take any orders beyond the ones you give me.”

“Even then it’s fifty-fifty,” Rose commented. She ran her hand through his hair again and smiled softly as he leaned into her touch. “I really should just let you be you and scold you after I make sure you haven’t broken too many bones.”

“That giant squid only tapped me lightly,” the Doctor stated.

“Giant squid?” Rose repeated. “Really? I didn’t see much after Dr. Venkman was injured.”

“Well, it wasn’t so much a giant squid as more a Krakken and it’s not called a Krakken. It’s actual name is unpronouncalbe by the human tongue. Though if you really want to put a name on it as close as you’d get to it would be…”

The Doctor didn’t get to finish as Rose began to kiss him. They stopped when a cool, sticky liquid began to drip on their heads. The two exchanged a confused look as they examined the green substance before glancing above their heads.

“That’s a…,” Rose trailed off.

“Ghost,” the Doctor finished. He licked the ectoplasm on his fingers and Rose made a face, while the Doctor only raised an eyebrow in interest. “We may have to branch out, Rose. There are a lot of stories about spirits floating around England keeping castles haunted and homes unsellable. We could start our very own Ghostbusters in the United Kingdom.”

“You just want your own nuclear accelerator.”

“They are pretty cool,” the Doctor said. “Do you think Dr. Spengler will let me have one?”

“It would save me the trouble of finding you a Christmas present,” Rose said. “Right now we should probably get back to that nice hotel room we’ve got and celebrate saving the world yet again.”

“Excellent idea.”

The Doctor bounded to his feet then nearly fell back onto the couch as the building shook. Rose stood up and grabbed his arm.

“What the bloody hell was that?”

“I’ve no idea,” the Doctor answered. “Perhaps we should ask Dr. Stantz and Mr. Zeddemore.”

Ray and Winston dashed into the room wearing surprised expressions.

“I don’t suppose the two of you would be willing to help us again,” Ray said. “We’re two short with Egon keeping Peter from getting into too much trouble with the nurses at the hospital.”

“What's the problem?” Rose inquired. She gripped the Doctor’s arm again as the building shook once more.

“Um, it seems the Statue of Liberty didn’t get off as scot free as we thought she did,” Ray told them. “She’s wandering around the city right now.”

“You are kidding me,” the Doctor replied. He got out of Rose’s hold and dashed over to the closest window, pressing his face into the glass in fascination. “Oh, that is brilliant. Rose, you have to see this.”

Rose sighed and looked at the two Ghostbusters.

“Looks like we’ll definitely be helping. Do you have a spare jumpsuit I could borrow?”

:raysgal, challenge 68

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