Jun 05, 2005 00:50
felt like maybe updating finally.
went out tonight, and had so much fun. can't wait until next time. : ]
auditioned for a chorus line thursday and friday and i made it!
i'm playing sheila, and i'm really excited to do the show. it will be really nice to get into dance again, its been so long.
between the show and europe [and hopefully getting a new job since tonight was my last night at applebees], i'm pretty much booked for the summer.
i can't complain though, because i love what i do so much.
i really can't wait until, a few years down the road, someone asks me what i'm studying in college and i can say "theatre" then head off to modern dance 101, play production, then vocal lessons.
ready for school to be over, but who isn't.
after tonight, i'm just really excited for the adventures of summer. : ]
maybe someday, i'll write in here the way i used to, but until then, i bid you adieu.