Sep 26, 2006 16:05
so today....just a normal average everday kinda day.
but for some reason i am so aggravated.
beats me why i feel this way.
well i kinda know but the reason i am thinking of shouldn't make me this aggravated.
and i love how just as soon as one thing goes wrong, everything else just wants to go wrong along with the first thing.
i just love it.
so these are things that didn't go wrong today.
i didn't die. yet. not like that wouldn't be really nice right about now.
i got free food. compliments of boyfriend.
got a b on my essay.
didn't get into a car accident.
i can't think of anything else.
today is just a mediocre day...
but i am aggravated to some extreme right about now.
so i got the boy a present for our cute little "one month" deal thing.
guess because that kinda thing doesn't really happen that often to people as fickle as i am.
so anyway this present i bought about a week or so ago to go along with the thing i am making him was going to be like the coolest thing ever, i guess, because he really wanted it.
well today i get a phone call from him as i am leaving my english class.
boy: guess what i did while you were in class
me: what?
boy: i took a trip to the bookstore and looked in my wallet and just so happened to have thirty dollars.
me: (crap what do i say now...i got that for him and now my cute little gift surprise thing is no longer) oh..well i thought you were going to wait till it gets cold to buy that.
son of a *&*^%*&^%&*^%#)(*()^%$. not that big of a deal..i am certain of this. but he should have just waited LESSSSSSS THAN ONE WEEK. and he could have gotten it for free.
so now i am stuck here with a sweatshirt that i have no use for, thirty something dollars less than i had before, and no clue on earth what i can get him within the next couple days.
end of story. i should have figured something like this would have happened to me.