Oct 02, 2007 00:05
I cannot begin to describe how hooked I am to Tales of Phantasia.
The story is pretty much the usual, but the characters are all so great XDDD Okay, so maybe I would change Mint. But hey, it is common knowledge that everything of this sort has to have a Mary Sue, right? XD; Who usually is responsible for Healing. >>;
But anyway.
Cress is a great main character. He is just so... clueless. XD; Chester kicks ass major time and whatnot and I totally ship him with Cress, even though I don't mind shipping him with Asche either (*le gasp!*) truth is I think she really rocks as a character and I like their love/hate thing too.
Claus, or Krath, or God knows how many other names I've seen people call him, just really, honestly, rules as well. I can't decide who is my favourite, if he or Chester. XDDD; That and well, he is sort of officially gay?
Or not. It really depends? Because apparently the game likes to call Milard (the person he lives with) a man sometimes, but other times a woman. Claus refers to her as a woman in the ship scene when Cress is talking with him about the girls, but if you go to Claus' house and talk to Milard, after he asks Cress to watch over Claus, Claus replies with "That's not a very manly thing to say." >>;;; So, er...?
The image used for Milard does look male, and the OVA makes it impossible to understand since Milard only appears for seconds at the end of the last episode, and it could honestly be a woman or a man, or better yet, a young woman or a young man. It could be one of the two (however it does not appear to have breasts, so).
So, apparently, it's the viewers' choice and mine is making him a, well, yes, him. >3
To finish, Dhaos kicks ass as a villain too. Not to mention he is pretty =O And it's rare of me saying this since I usually don't like blond characters. He kicks ass though.
And I guess this is all for fangirling today. I'm tired and I should be in bed ages ago. XD;
Ja! ^^