As you probably know,
Orkestar Slivovica plays a monthly show at
Raw Canvas, which is a cafe, a bistro, and a full-service, paint-on-canvas studio. Basically, if you're feeling creative, you can go in, order a drink and/or some food, buy a canvas and do some painting in the back half of the bistro; they provide the paint, brushes and smocks - the rest is up to you. It's a very arts-friendly environment, encouraging patrons to let their inner Picassos, Van Goghs and Lempickas out to play, unique to the city of Vancouver, and the owners and management have been very kind to our band. If you've been to any of our shows there, then you know how much fun it can be.
Sadly, if a very vocal, very small minority get its way, tomorrow may be our last show there.
You can watch this video on
Raw Canvas Team Building Video from
Randy Ross on
You see, Raw Canvas is in Yaletown, located in downtown Vancouver, a neighbourhood which seems to be doing their best to put the "No Fun" in "No Fun City". One person who lives near Raw Canvas has taken it upon himself to complain to the police and/or city whenever anybody with amplification is playing there. He doesn't wait until 11 p.m. to start complaining, but instead starts calling around 9 p.m. or so. Not only that, but has been seen taking photographs of people going into the bistro with any kind of amplification equipment.
As a result of this individual, the city has now gotten involved, sending a letter to Raw Canvas telling them to desist or they will be punished in one way or another, likely resulting in their being shut down. All of this because of one person.
I've decided that enough is enough. If you have no plans for tomorrow, I would like to urge you to come down to our show there at 1046 Hamilton Street; admission is by pass-the-hat, but tomorrow, the main emphasis should be to both celebrate this fantastic venue and have a great party. Pending approval from the owner, we are planning on having a petition for people to sign if they so choose which can be presented to the city, to show them how much we appreciate and enjoy Raw Canvas. If you cannot make it, please spread the word.
Thanks for your time and for your support. We hope to see you there.