Rehearsal this morning was good, although I was late by about an hour, as I woke up feeling even worse than I did when I went to bed last night. Methinks 'tis the onset of a bug that's been going around the band: sore throat, flushed face, generally feeling run-down. Not good.
Spent about 90 minutes with one of tomorrow's Poetry Slam finalists on Commercial Drive this afternoon. He's nervous, but this is something he wants to be able to do long-term, more than just a lark, hobby or life goal; because of this, he really wants to put his best poetic foot forward tomorrow night and get on this year's team. However things turn out, I'm glad that he was willing to take what advice I offered him; hopefully it will be of use tomorrow night.
Feeling sick, sore throat, all around sense of blahness - of course I decided to go to a house party! But oh, what a party it was, held at the fabulous Fig House, the place from whence the
In The House Festival emanates. It was a house full of music and revelry. When I arrived, people were jamming to ... wait for it ... Don't Stop Believing by Journey on accordion and guitar. The popularity of this song is becoming positively creepy. Won't you please stop, Vancouver, before somebody gets hurt? Oliver and Dierdre from Orkestar Slivovica were there, too, so we broke out a few of our tunes, including Otpisani, which, as I discovered tonight, segues really well into Rah Rah Rasputin by Boney M. I'm thinking we need to add this one to our party shows. Later on we did some tunes for just voice and percussion, including Walking In Your Footsteps by The Police and Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkel (with some killer three-part harmonies!).
Sadly, I had to leave around 11, as my body was telling me that if I stayed any longer I couldn't guarantee getting home under my own power. Still, I managed to have some wonderful quality time with some awesome musicians/artists, including the lovely and talented
Andrea Superstein (we could have fought crime with the vocal harmonies we were laying down tonight). I also managed to re-connect with an artist whom I've met at a few events around the city and is trying to put together a project where he brings people from various disciplines together with the intent of having them collaborate creatively. He mentioned the idea of converting the concept of
Super String Theory into musical notation and wants me to be involved. I could be in over my head here, but it certainly shouldn't be boring.
And now I need to go to sleep, as my forehead feels as though something blue and shiny is about to spring forth from it in a Greek mythology kind of way. Stay classy, Vancouver - super string classy.