Mar 14, 2010 23:51
Just got home from rehearsal with my shiny, new (to me) eMac. It is white. It is lovely. What it is not, however, is lightweight. However, as long as it does what I need it to do with as few complaints as possible, I'll be happy. I even bought a Mac mouse for it, one of those clear, oval-shaped jobbies. Now to find a home for the tower that I could never quite get to work - maybe the good people chez Free Geek can help there, too.
Rehearsal went very well tonight. We didn't play too many songs, but the few that we did work on are, to put it bluntly, outstanding. The great thing about these songs - and Orkestar Slivovica in general - is that we can stick as close to any arrangement that we hear, or we can put our own arrangements together, often on the fly, and it sounds freaking awesome either way. You need to hear the group play. I am thinking that I may need to have purple underwear handy for whenever we do perform Start Wearing Purple and toss them at random fans. Best case scenario: I make a new friend. Worst case scenario: I get a restraining order slapped against me. It's a risk I'm willing to take. You know, for Art!
I'm such a doofus.