
Feb 12, 2010 02:06

A book should be an axe for the frozen sea within us.
     Franz Kafka

Books!  I'm currently reading The Night Is A Mouth by Lisa Foad, a collection of short stories ranging from the emotionally intense to the truly bizarre.  I can't say that I'm completely sold yet, but I do appreciate her use of language; she paints scenes like a minimalist, a pontillism of prose. Movies!  Anybody else noticed some strange superhero-type movies coming out soon?  No, I'm not talking about Iron Man 2.  If you haven't already seen them, may I present for your consideration Exhibit A:

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Yep, Defendor.  Yep, Woody Harrelson.  I can't really tell, but the trailer seems to be saying that it's a comedydramaactionpsychologicalthriller.

(Yes, that's a real word.  Really.  I typed it on the Internet, so it must be real.)

However, that pales in comparison to ...

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One of the trailers for Kick Ass.  This one is meant to be a comedy - you know, unless you're one of those people who doesn't consider seeing a child getting shot to be funny.  Which I'm guessing is most people.  Also, if you go and watch the other trailer, you'll notice that the costumed heroes are also using guns, which flies in the face of one of the cardinal rules of your mainstream DC/Marvel comic book superheroes.  Then again, maybe I'm just out of touch with the general movie-going public.  Most likely I'll go and see Kick Ass. So, Valentine's Day, huh?  Yep, Valentine's Day.


Right.  That's pretty much all I've got to say 'bout that.  Move along, folks, nothing to see here ...

random, movies, books, love, valentine's day, weird

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