Dec 13, 2005 22:55
I'm home for the night. My mom found the following letter in her stack of papers from when she was a hippie/revolutionary. She said she remembers getting it at some hippie Halloween party. It's so crazy. It made me really think twice about my political views. It's crazy. I'm going to type the whole thing, cuz you really all should read it.
GOOD EVENING! We interrupt this gala Halloween party to bring you a message from the underground.
WE ARE YOUR ENEMY! We are no longer your good little boys and girls out on the town. We are no longer so naive as to expect any "treats" from you, so we are formally announcing that from now on you can expect nothing but "tricks" from us.
For our first "trick" tonight we will call you a name.
We can tell you are pigs by the way that you "oink."
Let's start with LBJ-Pig. Nobody likes Lyndon Johnson. He is a pig who is completely indigestible even to the most brain-washed, stomach-pumped American voters. What's worse, he is a politically dead pig. But the Ameircan that you have chosen to replace him is no different from Lyndon Johnson; doesn't even claim to be different. He's just newer. This newer pig, you lesser pigs have chosen as your new leader. Some of you pretend that you are reluctant and are choosing "the lesser of two evils." Hubert Fascist Humphrey-Pig, who looks like Mussolini vs Richard Nazi Nixon-Pig, who looks like Goebbels.
That is not a choice -- That is a toss up!
You say we exaggerate! That Humphrey is "not that bad." Please Mommy and Daddy, tell us the difference between Italians dropping mustard gas on Ethiopians and Americans dropping napalm on Vietnamese?
You are dismayed by our "appearance" tonight? Then shut your eyes, as you have shut them every day to the atrocities you perpetraded on the Vietnamese, on the black of America, on the poor people of the whole world.
You are the Liberal Establishment, the idea man of the whole of America, and you have tailored the American Dream to fit a Vietnamese and black peoples and poors peoples nightmare. You have put on a new suit of decadent liberal society. That is all that you have done -- all you are doing tonight. You are not more peace-loving than Lyndon Johnson, only more disappointed with the war. You are not more honest than Johnson, only more discreet. And, finally, to us at least, you are not any more acceptable than Johnson, you are only more hypocritical.
We don't like anything about you and your hypocrisy. You are Americans who peddle a world of disgusting ideas. Why don't you go home and turn on, tune in and drop out? The streets are not safe for you anymore. There isno forgiveness for you. There is no future. It's "up against the wall for you Mom and Dad!" We absolutely refuse to grow up and become American monsters. We have more in common with a Vietnamese NLF soldier whom we have never seen than we do with you who have spawned us. So,
and your kids are gonna get you!
Daughters of the American Revolution
Sons of the American Revolution
Brothers and Sisters ofthe World Revolution
How intense and awesome is that????? I just had to share it.