I hate relying on others, I hate it almost more than anything!

Aug 12, 2004 20:03

Okay, so I just got really pissed.

My Mother & I made a pact two days ago, that she'd work on her drinking, ie stop getting drunk. And I'd work on controlling my spending and everything. Well, she's drunk right now. She broke the pact we made only two days ago! Why am I spending my whole day at home, doing whatever she asks, and respecting her, if she can't resepct me at all.

And the fact that I might have to rely on her for even longer to get rides places infuriates me! She's so impatient and I never can stay the whole time, and I'm always late, because of her. I hate relying on her! It sucks so bad, because I try and tell Dad these things, and he doesn't listen to anything I have to say. He'll have one, maybe two bottles of wine each night, and by the time I talk to him, he doesn't care what the hell's going on.

But we're the perfect family aren't we? We have to stay smiling and all happy whenever anyone else is around. I'm so sick of it.

I understand, I should be grounded, sure I messed up, whatever. But I mean, don't not let me drive to school with my brother. Don't make me have to rely on someone else to take me to all my meetings and all. I hate relying on other people! Period!
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