So we meet again... (Creed)

Oct 15, 2011 17:10

((Continued from Depowering reaction post))

Stepping out into the hall, still breathing heavy from his workout and still a bit disoriented from his fall, Remy managed a few steps down the hallway toward the bathroom before stopping cold in his tracks. For up ahead, just at the top of the stairs, was the last person he wanted to see.

Victor Creed.

“Still here? Figured you’da run back t’ Stryker by now,” Remy said, his eyes narrowed but not containing their usual glow as they often did when he got... shall we say ‘unhappy’. “Or did y’ manage t’ make a deal wit’ Charlie? Loyal to de highest bidder, non?”

character: remy/gambit, character: victor/sabertooth

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