Scott had been busy since the party. He had made his way around the basement as well as the grounds, taking notes and planning what could happen where. He also had been devising a few ideas for training both the students and the adults, attempting to factor in personalities, abilities, level of proficiency, and general interest. After a night spent
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"As for ability development, I think the Professor should be in charge of leading that, though delegation could occur to better pair students to a mentor. Which leads to that next point, unless you have a preference and would rather not put it to committee, Professor. Should we concentrate on pairing students via like abilities or via complimentary personalities?"
"For example, in the case of Lorna with Erik. There obviously seems to be some personality conflict, yet the abilities are similar. Would it go better for both of you if someone who got along better with her took over for you, Erik? What do we think about this?"
Scott hoped he wasn't offending with his example, but thought the point was important enough to ask.
"It would go better for me."
He glanced at Charles, then looked at Scott.
"Nobody else here can show her how to handle her power with any... finesse," he said, his tone becoming serious. "She can learn it from me or she can learn it herself, as I did. She cannot learn it from you."
"I have to agree with Erik here. If there's a student who wishes to learn more about control, and the further development of, it should be with someone who has either the same ability, or, something comparatively similar. Lorna can put any personal opinions she has aside, as can the other students. Mentors should be available to both teach, and guide those who want it."
"That would be good, yes." It meant she was going to spend time with Bobby, at the very least, and ... well, they would see who else. "I would suggest that any of us are available to guide, in case of conflict, but if there is questioning decisions, the final authority stays with Charles and Erik."
Not by seniority. Not by power. If the adults were following their lead, within reason, the children would sense that and follow, too.
He looked at Ororo.
"However, as this seems to be expected to be a dual role of tutor and... 'mentor' or 'guide', I expect someone else would fill the latter portion of her education better than I."
"I agree with you Ororo. That would help to offset any personality issues that may arise. ...As well as giving the teacher a potential break." Scott knew he would need time to cool off after listening to Alex's attitude for an hour of "lessons".
"Well then... on a somewhat similar issue... what should we do about young Mr. Allerdyce? In our time, he was a student at the school but from what I understand he left of his own accord. Now that he's here, I'm not entirely certain forcing an unwilling mind into lessons is the best option. That said, I also think it would be good for him to learn a little more control..."
"Mr Allerdyce has told me that he was in my employ after leaving school. He would like to be useful but certainly has no intentions of returning to the classroom. As such, I will handle him, thank you," he explained in a tone that suggested he considered the topic closed.
He felt more inclined to look after John's guidance than Lorna's. He had no trouble accepting full responsibility for the boy.
Still, with this version of Erik coaching him, perhaps John could learn a little more control and discipline. Scott nodded to Erik.
"Very well. I wish you all the luck in the world." Scott couldn't help himself from adding that last line about it, though he tried to keep it from sounding too sarcastic. He honestly did hope things went well there.
"Is there anything else we need to discuss then?" he looked at each person in the room. Truth be told, he would rather end it now. Not only was he not feeling at all well, but from what he had followed on the sheet that Scott had given them, things had pretty much been covered.
"That about covers everything that needed to be figured out with regards to the students, unless anyone has anything else to add." He paused and looked around for any further comments.
Still, there were a few odd details. He looked at Charles.
"When are we starting formal lessons? Perhaps we should make an announcement."
"Perhaps the first of Febuary will give us time to sort through any final details. It will also allow for you all to decide a curriculum to follow, or if that is not necessary, then perhaps group with the students and find the best place to begin your training." Charles told them before looking back to Erik for a sign that he agreed.
"Of course if you wish to start your... mentoring program, sooner, I suppose that would be acceptable."
"Sounds good to me." He looked down at his outline one last time.
"Do we wish to talk about the adult training program or should we leave things at this? I suppose it could be more of a discussion between us, since one of our number just ducked out." Scott said wryly, looking at and referring to the 'us' as Xavier and Erik.
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