The WALDASS versus NAIR debate...

Apr 13, 2009 13:29

Yeah, I know this isn't a fic post, but I had to get in on this after seeing the pathetic excuse for NB support essays that E!Online posted.

If you haven't read them, then click here to do so.

It's a great laugh.

My response to the 'evidence' provided was this:

"I have to agree with other commentors about the 'thoroughness' of the essays chosen to support NB. I'm kind of afraid for the futures of the people who ship that couple if those were the two most worthy essays out of those that were submitted... unless they were the only ones. Most of what I see in their writing is the list of excuses that they have for CB to NOT be together, not why NB would be the right choice for Blair. Other than that, there are unfounded reasons why Nate would love Blair 'honestly.' I would have liked to have read an opinion on why he was capable of that kind of committment when he's been girl-hopping all over the place since the beginning of the season, expressing true feelings for each one; I just don't see how he's the mature choice for Blair, seeing as how he apparently doesn't mean what he says. Yes I'm Team Waldass, and I have been since episode 102, but even if I was on the fence, the arguments provided would have swayed me toward the them anyway. CB=OTP"

debate, musings, chuck bass, blair waldorf

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