Reading. My eyes blur out every night from just the sheer amount of stuff that I've been piling into my head this semester. I listen to music like I'm a little kid again---everything is new, interesting. Which is good, in that life is kind of beautiful in the 'I shouldn't be enjoying this' sort of way, but not so good in that it's distracting having so much awesomeness around me. C'est la vie. In any case, there's stuff even in my own music I haven't heard before.
It isn't *too* organized (
meirionwen: haalp!:( ), but you can skim through my
notes here. It's a lot of information, however, and some of the books (GEB specifically) are a much easier/better read, fo shewr.
But in this past month or three, I've read, in case I've missed 'em:
This is your Brain on Music
Godel Escher Bach; An Eternal Golden Braid
An Intuitive Explanation of Bayesian Reasoning, By Eliezer Yudkowsky
the entirety of the Journal of Meaning and Music(JMM)
and a bunch of other stuff, which I might add to this list as I remember them.
Comm ACM Jan 2007, Vol 50 no 1
Comm ACM, May 1999, Persuasive Technologies special edition
jane roberts/robert butts - the education of oversoul 7
All Hell Can't Stop Us - Bill Waiser
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Also, in case I forgot/you missed it earlier
ass, my shell developed for cs330 is a "usable" shell.
trans has been hacking it a little---I'm using it as my default shell right now(hah what a learning experience this is!).