whatever, i'm drunk.positivelyposiFebruary 8 2006, 07:08:12 UTC
so my erased comment was a tad harsh considering i only read the first chapter or 25 pages or something of this book like 5 months ago i retract my statement, cause really, cheap gin is always a good idea, but making comments on the internet after comsuming too much of it is definatly not a good idea.
I thought I would comment none the less.
"Who's in charge here? The queen? Bush hasn't invaded here yet and we havn't officially ceeded out our soveriegnty yet. The queen reigns I suppose."
this i don't agree with. #1. Stephen Haper is now offically sworn is as our new prime minister. Wether I like it or not, i have to face the facts. We're fucked becaue of this christian fuck. WHo's in charge here. America. American corporations are buying our land, our companies(Tim hortons once proudly a canadian landmark[hey they distributed canadian currency] is now American owned[as well as molson, i am canadian my fucking ass]. Nafta. Such a good thing(yeah right). This allows the good ol USA to set the standards for everything. Why control our own country when we can have someone else do it for us. Lazy fucking canadians. The queen doesn't give a shit about us. No one does, we're just another country that's soon to be completely taken over by the US due to privatized everything and poverty stricken fucks like you and I are going to be fucked because of it. Canada is a fucking joke to every country. I can't wait for China to take over the world. Give them 10 years. If the planet isn't compeltey destroyed by then, they'll be in charge. Dictating your ass until death.
this made no sense....i'm drunk. praise jesus. did you know the church is covering up the gospel in which jesus wrote which summed up in a sentence says all you need to do to get into heaven is to live a good life the best you can and just believe in jesus, you don't need a church or anything christian rehtoric bullshit they feed gullable fucks. ya. check it out. man i wish life was like the old testament, we could stone anyone we wanted. Or burn them. Stephen Harper's a witch I swear. Take him to the town gates.
Jeff I'm coming to Regina and we're fucking partying like theres no tommorow. Because there isn't. When's spring break?
feverish ramblingsthemusicgod1February 8 2006, 20:45:17 UTC
"our companies(Tim hortons once proudly a canadian landmark[hey they distributed canadian currency] is now American owned[as well as molson, i am canadian my fucking ass]."
See that's the thing; none of these were my companies, and for the most part while they were owned by canadians, and they were spinning capital and resources around and providing us all with good timbits and decent beer; they were set up from the get-go to exploit their workers, and the public's need for food and desire for convinience and pleasure, and in that view they are not much better than the americans. The privatization of public spaces and land is much more dangerous, but again, who owned the land to begin with? Excepting the farmers, of course.
"i wish life was like the old testament, we could stone anyone we wanted. Or burn them." We still can, as they're proving in jakarta this week. The concequences just differ though (but not by much)
The first chapters of leviathan are some of the worst, since he's going through and meticulously defining all his terms. This might seem a little redundant, but he is trying to be more like euclid and less like say, his time's equivilent of ann coulter. For people who aren't used to reading dry things this can be a little much
"Jeff I'm coming to Regina and we're fucking partying like theres no tommorow. Because there isn't. When's spring break?"
Except that I don't "party." Spring break is from Friday Afternoon Feb 17th - Monday Morning 27thish. There's curling (I think on the the friday) and there might be a magic:The gathering game somewhere in between, but I don't actually do anything really other than study.
OK So harper's in charge (although he's only so insofar as he puts up with the wants of the other 3 leaders, and to a lesser extent parliament; therefor no one's really in charge, it's parliament itself that's in charge). The corporations definitely have control over the major parties, but it's not absolute control. Not yet anyway(as saskatchewan potash corporation proves). It's the people who have to be convinced that the corporations have a moral position above them(like most of ontario)...
Legally the queen *is* above stephen harper, the american corporations, and so on and so forth on the pecking order. Hobbes would suggest the UN might be on the same level or on a higher level than she, but still.
China can dictate me when they bury me alive, no sooner.
ok this made little sense, mostly becuase I'm now sick :(
I thought I would comment none the less.
"Who's in charge here? The queen? Bush hasn't invaded here yet and we havn't officially ceeded out our soveriegnty yet. The queen reigns I suppose."
this i don't agree with. #1. Stephen Haper is now offically sworn is as our new prime minister. Wether I like it or not, i have to face the facts. We're fucked becaue of this christian fuck. WHo's in charge here. America. American corporations are buying our land, our companies(Tim hortons once proudly a canadian landmark[hey they distributed canadian currency] is now American owned[as well as molson, i am canadian my fucking ass]. Nafta. Such a good thing(yeah right). This allows the good ol USA to set the standards for everything. Why control our own country when we can have someone else do it for us. Lazy fucking canadians. The queen doesn't give a shit about us. No one does, we're just another country that's soon to be completely taken over by the US due to privatized everything and poverty stricken fucks like you and I are going to be fucked because of it. Canada is a fucking joke to every country. I can't wait for China to take over the world. Give them 10 years. If the planet isn't compeltey destroyed by then, they'll be in charge. Dictating your ass until death.
this made no sense....i'm drunk. praise jesus. did you know the church is covering up the gospel in which jesus wrote which summed up in a sentence says all you need to do to get into heaven is to live a good life the best you can and just believe in jesus, you don't need a church or anything christian rehtoric bullshit they feed gullable fucks. ya. check it out. man i wish life was like the old testament, we could stone anyone we wanted. Or burn them. Stephen Harper's a witch I swear. Take him to the town gates.
Jeff I'm coming to Regina and we're fucking partying like theres no tommorow. Because there isn't. When's spring break?
See that's the thing; none of these were my companies, and for the most part while they were owned by canadians, and they were spinning capital and resources around and providing us all with good timbits and decent beer; they were set up from the get-go to exploit their workers, and the public's need for food and desire for convinience and pleasure, and in that view they are not much better than the americans. The privatization of public spaces and land is much more dangerous, but again, who owned the land to begin with? Excepting the farmers, of course.
"i wish life was like the old testament, we could stone anyone we wanted. Or burn them."
We still can, as they're proving in jakarta this week. The concequences just differ though (but not by much)
The first chapters of leviathan are some of the worst, since he's going through and meticulously defining all his terms. This might seem a little redundant, but he is trying to be more like euclid and less like say, his time's equivilent of ann coulter. For people who aren't used to reading dry things this can be a little much
"Jeff I'm coming to Regina and we're fucking partying like theres no tommorow. Because there isn't. When's spring break?"
Except that I don't "party." Spring break is from Friday Afternoon Feb 17th - Monday Morning 27thish. There's curling (I think on the the friday) and there might be a magic:The gathering game somewhere in between, but I don't actually do anything really other than study.
OK So harper's in charge (although he's only so insofar as he puts up with the wants of the other 3 leaders, and to a lesser extent parliament; therefor no one's really in charge, it's parliament itself that's in charge). The corporations definitely have control over the major parties, but it's not absolute control. Not yet anyway(as saskatchewan potash corporation proves). It's the people who have to be convinced that the corporations have a moral position above them(like most of ontario)...
Legally the queen *is* above stephen harper, the american corporations, and so on and so forth on the pecking order. Hobbes would suggest the UN might be on the same level or on a higher level than she, but still.
China can dictate me when they bury me alive, no sooner.
ok this made little sense, mostly becuase I'm now sick :(
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