I'm out on the picket lines(can't cross 'em, may as well join 'em), the picketers are given a warning that if they cross on to university property, they will be charged with trespass.
The university administration is seriously giving thought to the idea of filing criminal charges against it's own employees. And what about the students on the picketlines? If I were to decide to go to class after all; would I be brought in as a trespasser? I mean, it's miles better than being brought in as a hacker, but still; this whole line of thinking is completely outrageous and deserves to be ridiculed.
The university official responsible for this policy ought to be ashamed
In the meanwhile I spent most of the afternoon out with
SaskBoy, and his g/f, which was nice. Aparently he got the
teleban.com donated to him, I tried to push him to read the URL over a live CBC game show video feed. We'll see.
In other news, today is Election Day here in Saskatchewan. If you're here looking for information about the Saskatchewan Election, you're reading the wrong blog. I honestly don't know, or care, enough about provincial level politics. It seems degraded to left v. right, Crooks(Sask) v. Status Quo(NDP), and there doesn't look to be a positive outcome no matter how you sling it. On the plus side though half the ballot local works in the IT/CS sector, which is kind of a sign of the times.
In the meanwhile I'm utterly hooked on Reddit. I'm very close to adding a hosts file line to associate it with localhost.
I'm also using a spanish keyboard, so all the keys are screwy and it's hard to type.