History is problematic. I'm finding I don't like History very much.
Not sure on the dates, I'll get the dates/sources right later. Am I missing anything big?
* -12+/-3 By BCE - Beginning of the Universe
-4.5 By BCE Formation of the Earth
4.5-2 By Formation of pedosphere,
~-2 By Repopulation of the Atmosphere with oxygen, and approximately it's current content
~ -2 By Development of the Ozone. I'm not entirely clear when exactly this happened, but it had to have happened after the formation of the
earth, after the 'Second Atmosphere'
-(2000,500 My) Formation of Forests,
? Formation off Oil
* Mass extinction Events. Most Notably the KT Event. Possibly led to conditions favourable to the development of humankind
Animal Human
Primates, Pack animals
Primative Human,
Development of Language There is no specific instant or year that mankind developed language.
Language slowly developed from nonlanguage verbal communication over quite a long period of time.
Homo Habilus, Primative Stone Tools
Hunter, Gatherer
Homo Erectus, Fire
Ice Age receeds, and mankind, already spread throughout the world, is able to advance to
Agricultural Human
Typified by Religion, Mysticism, Rituals, Burial and otherwise
This era eventually produces all of the world's current major religions;
All of these religions have social artifacts that clearly typify agricultural experience, and early city life, and
for the most part they are logical structures developed over time to deal with agricultura, and early city experience
as opposed to later, modern experience
~3000 BCE Lao Tzu finds The Way
3000-700 BCE Chinese ascendency, water clocks[1]
4500-2000 BCE domestication of the horse
Code of Hammuburi/Law,
Cities, eventually empires and civilization, banking, money, trade
Desertification begins as humans overfarm
Thales - Started the first school, and really helped with creating the 'always questioning' intellectual background needed for...
Pythagoras, and the advance of mathematics over ancient egypt
Socrates - the Socratic method, amongst other things, really founding western philosophy, the fore-runner for ...
Aristotle - giving the study of nature such great importance, founding one of the most important schools in
history, getting most if not all the knowledge in the world outside of america in one place,
and the usage of (pre?)modern logic. Consciously intellectually building upon the work of
others and sorting through the history of science itself and pointing out who was right,
who was closer than whom, and using the history of science at the time itself as a teaching method.
Slavery rampant
Galileo, Copernicus turn the relationship between god and mankind on it's head
Descartes - founding a method for finding knowledge, and as a minor consolation proving something so certain, that you could move the world with it.
Bacon - the actual formulation of science/empiricsm itself?
Hume - finding the problem of induction, and looking into causality(which is a seriously important cornerstone of science)
* Descartes, Newton, Leibniz; Natural Philosophers of the Baroque Era, lay the logical foundations for industrialism
establishment of Science, which enables the
Industrial Human
1719 Factories begin to appear
The Engine for raising Water by Fire appears, ushering in a new way of doing things; the beginning of taking the taking human labour and giving it
marx and later contemporaries take note of the suffering caused by organized man in the form of factories
1825 steam engine trains are possible
* Automatic Oil (Edwin Drake) in the states
Telegraph, Telephone, Television
Model T production line takes factories to new orders of magnitude in efficiency, creating misery, etc
* Development of Means of pulling Nitrogen from the air that enabled the food supply to the population boom
Women's lib?
Desertification intensifies in 20th century
Modern Medicine, together with modern agriculture allowing population to grow without bound
* Chemistry creating Oil byproducts, chloganics?
* Popper - For his attempt to solve the demarcation problem; what is science, and how does it differ from pseudoscience/magic?
the first computer may lie in Nazi Germany from Konrad Zuse, however the foundations were laid by Alan Turing and Alonzo Church
1931 Incompleteness Theorem
flight commercializes after patents withdrawn from wright brothers
nuclear physics, thermodynamics, quantum physics ushers in modern technology
1947 transistor
20th century mass extinction event
1958 DARPA essentially kickstarts the internet
1961 US makes it to the moon, proving spaceflight possible, albeit incredibly difficult.
The nearest star is multiple lightyears and perhaps a century
of travel away; an almost unthinkable distance, but since the moon was acheived...
* Cold War - Without a doubt the western intelligensia realize they are fully capable of destroying every living thing on earth, except perhaps
the cockroaches, and some extremely hardy bacteria/viruses/flora/fungus, although not even that was certain.
Nuclear proliferation became the first
confirmed manmade existential threat.
70's personal computing; it becomes clear, due to a generalization of moore's law, that while computing equipment is growing exponentially
more powerful, that computers are becoming cheaper, smaller, and more mobile. The earliest computers filled entire rooms, small buildings
but by this point there's computer-like devices one could hold in one's hand, primative console video game, and microcomputers that, although
not small by today's standards, may have been the most mobile form of a decent computer at the size of a fridge
Molecular warfare, and genetic engineering pose another existential threat to mankind through engineered microbes, designed to kill human beings
1990s; Ozone Hole appears over the antarctic; the world,
led by the UN, successfully campaigns for the development of alternatives for CFCs (which it was thought to having been causing the
ozone hole) to be put on the market, and in effect, successfully closed and removed short term threat from the ozone hole.
Sokal - for pointing out our science system lets random jibberish stand for science.
Climate Change
Deep Blue
SCIgen - The first visible step in automating science itself.
* an IBM engineer aligns a bunch of Xeon atoms in the form of their Corporate Logo, proving that nanotechnology is feasible
Post-Industrial Human