My data resurfaced!

Jul 29, 2006 17:53

A few things in this post

a) I found my data! So I would ask people who are coming to this blog because of the blogathon to answer two questions for me, preferably in some form of yes/no answer, although qualifications and clarifications are OK too:
  1. Do you have a Calculator on your desk, right now?
  2. Do you support Capitalism?
Anonymous posts are OK, but if you've already answered then please don't answer twice(unless you have like multiple personalities or something, I suppose)

b) I have TOTALLY lost track of where I am in regards to the blogathon. I'm trying to post roughly every 20 minutes since StumbleUpon and LJ are having communicational technical difficulties. The problem with this is
a) none of the timestamps involved in my friends page/'Real Blog' are telling the truth,
b) I'm posting stumbleUpon content to LJ which is complicating things,
c) and every server seems to be in a different time zone. and of course
d) I mean, Lag and "living outside of time" is pretty typical of me(MachinationX went so far as to say my heart lagged and this was the cause of the "heart attack" I had last year) so people who know me aren't going to be surprised by this but for people like, say my Blogathon Monitor (hi!) and, CSIS (hi!), things could be very confusing.


blogathon, rss, themusicgod1, blogging, science, capitalism, livejournal, stumbleupon, calculators

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