Oct 02, 2011 17:21
It never fails me how messed up this city is. I remember what happened in 1935 and I know full well where the loalties of this city are. Nevertheless I went downtown to meet with people who are planning..???..(what, wealth redistribution alone?). Either way, as there typically is...there were some literally rum soaked Indians hanging out at the gazebo. Not really doing anything, too drunk to stand. Kinda muttering to themselves. I think they've been there every time I've been to that part of the park. So naturally...while organizing an attempt to sit in on what should be a public space(like downtown regina's financial district...the wascana is essentially privately owned, and you can get nabbed for tresspass if you aren't there when the owners want you there)...the first thing the protesters do is call the cops on the drunks. The drunks who were effectively occupying private land because they were too poor to be anywhere else. The chutzpah blows me away. Granted, at first it wasn't the protesters, but some dumbass rich kids who thought it'd be "funny" to go beat up the hobos.
And don't get me wrong, the hobos weren't my cup of tea either -- they were citing some kind of drunken bible verses, and openly talking about how they thought it was a good idea to beat women. I put myself between them and the #occupyregina crowd immediately.
The good that came out of it is that...the important issues came up really fast. The fact that the vulnerable people aren't represented. The fact that there's a huge disconnect between helping others and helping others who are actually poor. The fact that everyone in this town has a job for the most part, and no one's going to occupy a bank in the middle of winter. No answers. But the questions were raised, and the fact that I'm uncomfortable about the whole thing top to bottom I'm seeing as a good thing.
What also really struck me though is how many people were out there in general, on the streets and in the park. Mostly families. I never see them really....it's kind of unsettling.