Oct 11, 2013 21:58
And here I thought I knew:
Those troubles in my past, thwarted,
Leaving me the victor
And you my coveted prize
Alas, it seems I've returned to the web
Where once you kept me
Not to indulge upon by any means
But to keep me safe, to keep me apart.
One weekends sometimes you love me
And you'll join my in my sprawl
Whispering with your partner
And wandering through my all.
I have felt no truer affection,
Perhaps that is my regret,
For when into your eyes I gaze,
No feeling of warmth do they beget.
The distance forged between us then
Maintains itself, even grows,
Even as you pull me close,
It is with control. It is with mistrust.
Those once so entangled like me
Whom I had so come to love
Are spun away from me, and you
Keep me like a secret.
You segregate us and call it nature,
And call it interest, while it is pity.
You wrap my suffering in diplomatics:
Your poison for my ears.
The trouble we were endures now forever,
And you are no coveted prize;
You are the captor, the victor;
You are my ultimate demise.