Well, it's all done. Flights are booked, visas have been stamped (good lord there are so many hoops to jump through...), hotels have been reserved. In exactly one week from today, I will be going to Mother Russia. Specifically, St Petersburg and Moscow (y'know, the two places that people actually care about).
My main goals (I have two!) in russia are these:
A) See dead Lenin's corpse. I am a bit worried about my fascination about this, but dammit how can I resist it? It combines my favourite things! Dead bodies and history! (Also, making fun of communism. Seriously, I will be trying so hard not to start yelling about commies in the middle of Lenin's Masoleum.)
A friend has been joking to me that you can go on the 'Dead Communist Tour.' There are four commies on display (creepy, yet awewsome) - Lenin, Ho Chi Min, Mao, and Kim Sung-il. I think I must try to see all of these at some point in my life. Purely so I can say I did it. (It may involve breaking into North Korea and causing an international incident, but I'm suprisingly cool with that.)
B) Buy a russian style hat! Which are apparently called
Ushankas. Oh god, I want one SO HARD.
These are the only things I really care about in Russia! All others are secondary. (Although Russian Vodka is also on a list of Things I Must Experience, as is seeing the Kremlin).
If I don't come back, it's because I totally deserved it. I am honestly not sure whether I'll be able to resist mocking either Putin or the commies while in Russia.