Well, it looks everyone is bored with the Democratic primaries. It looks like there is no way for Clinton not to get the nod - which hurts me right in my Obama-loving though still really wishing that Kucinich was possible heart, but which my heart can deal with, because she doesn't seem that bad. Now admittedly, I wasn't actually paying attention during Bill's administration, so I think I may not really be affected by whatever she did to make everyone hate her - but I'm still willing to give her a chance.
But the Republicans! Man, that is a campaign much more interesting - and not just because every single candidate can send me into a rage on occasion! The big story, of course, is
Huckabee, who is, I'm sorry, forever going to be known as 'that guy who fucking doesn't believe in evolution.' The problem is, of course, that I am fairly certain that he is one of the best men on the stage - best in terms of his moral stance (socially conservatism not withstanding). He seems to be one of the few Republicans running who is actually a decent person (sure, he may hate gays and abortion, but still). But in all honesty, I think he may actually be the best candidate among the Republicans - best here in terms of 'who I could actually support, and who I think would make a good President.' Let's look at the four front-runners! Not sure if we can call Huckabee a frontrunner yet, but let's call them the four
the furthest in front in the polls. Guiliani would be great in a time of crisis - which is handy, because if Guliani was president, there would be a hell of a lot of crisises. (sp?) McCain (who though he seems to have lost a lot of ground, seems to still be a front runner) is also one of the few good people in politics, but he is just a bit to enthusiastic about the war for me - and, I suspect, for the American public. Thompson - all I really know about Thompson is that he seems to hate campaigning. Yeah, I don't see him happening. But the man who really terrifies me is Romney. Ew. Seriously, I stay awake at night thinking that he's going to be the candidate. Oh god. At least Huckabee believes in his social conservatism, while Romney is just going into it to get a vote. God.
But yeah, even though Huckabee is doing well, I'm finding it hard to believe that anyone can beat Guliani - especially since all of the primaries are going to come at once. The early primaries do have one good element - it means that people really do need to have a national presence to win the nod, and gets rid (or at least makes smaller) the ridiculous level of influence that New Hampshire and Iowa have.
So Guiliani takes the nod. But I wouldn't be suprised if Huckabee gets the VP. I don't think they'll win, but I suspect in 2012, Huckabee is going to be one of the frontrunners. One of the actual frontrunners.