
Sep 10, 2011 23:04

Evil fic for the torchwoodland big bang

‘All in shades of grey’
Word count 548

After spending so long working for Torchwood, it was hard to see anyone as truly evil. Everyone had their reasons.

Beth, she hadn’t wanted to destroy the world, the original programmed version of her had. She had done everything in her power to save them, and then she had given them a reason to kill her. It had been the only way she could be stopped, and she had known it.

That had, in a way, made it harder to live with.

Lisa, Lisa hadn’t been his Lisa for a long time before she’d killed people, and even then, Ianto knew that he couldn’t ignore his own part in that. He hadn’t meant to get anyone killed, but he’d been responsible for their deaths all the same, no matter what Jack might say.

The list went on. Ianto could even, just about, manage to come up with reason for John Hart’s actions. Even Grey had had his reasons.

Ianto wasn’t sure what he would have done, after spending years being tortured. After replaying those last moments over and over, wondering why. Jack hadn’t meant to let go, and Grey hadn’t meant to either, but neither of them would ever forget that one thing. The guilt would be with Jack forever, and Grey was too far gone to ever forgive his brother.

No one was evil without their reasons, but the thing was, Ianto couldn’t explain Bilis Manger, even after years of trying. More than that, Ianto couldn’t see the Daleks, or the Cyberman, or Abadon as anything but evil.

They existed to kill others. That made them evil.

There wasn’t a reason for them to kill people, they just did. If you weren’t one of them, they killed you, no questions asked. No chance given.

Weevils weren’t so simple. Janet, for all that she growled, didn’t just kill. She did other things, she cared, she cried. They weren’t evil. Not smart, but not evil either. Misunderstood was probably the best word for weevils.

Ianto sighed, Grey had seen Jack as evil, hadn’t seen his own actions for what they were. He couldn’t imagine the things that Grey had been through to make him that way. It had been better in a way, the brief time when he had seen things as good or evil, black or white. It was simpler, easier to rationalise things.

The problem was, it was that opinion that had gotten Torchwood One into trouble.

The fact that everyone in Torchwood Three saw things in shades of grey, though Gwen struggled sometimes, meant that they knew that they were fallible; that they were just as capable of doing evil as anyone, or anything, else.

It was harder though, standing over the box that held the frozen body of the man who had killed two of his best friends, to believe that Grey had any good in him. Ianto had never seen Grey do anything good. Couldn’t match the man to the few brief stories Jack had offered, of the little ginger boy who had been full of curiously and kindness.

Ianto wanted to see Grey as something other than evil, the problem was, he just couldn’t seem to. And it didn’t seem fair, that Tosh, good brilliant Tosh, was dead but Grey was still alive.

Masterpost is here

fandom: torchwood, #fic

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