(no subject)

Nov 23, 2011 11:05

Ok, I'm in a "can't write" phase, right now.
The first episode of my Harry Potter Podcast is online and I'm very satisfied, I have to keep working on the second episode and in the meantime work is becoming frantic.

Christmas season is a nightmare for everyone who works in the commerce and a double nightmare for us, working in a mall, not closing the stores until nine, working on sundays, and having people asking you the most ridiculous things.
Yesterday a man asked us to change a book he hadn't purchased in our bookstore, because he had finished reading it. He just wanted another one, a new one. He was quite surprised and annoyed when my store manager explained him that we weren't a library.
The worst has yet to come and I'm bracing myself.

My elbow started to hurt badly yesterday, a sort of articular pain that I experience sometime, but this time is worse and I have to see the doc. I hate to see the doc. He's nice, but I don't like to feel like I'm sick. Usually it takes a very, very bad condition for me to push me trough the doctor's door. I think I went three or four times maximum in the last five years. I know it's not very mature and responsible, but, hey, nobody is perfect.

As a result of all this stuff going on, I cant write, I'm stuck.
I come home and I'm tired and not very inspired. Even translating stuff that I already wrote is hard work and I do a really bad job and stop butchering my words very soon.
So, let's hope it's not for long.
Keep calm and carry on.

writer's diary

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