Muse Meme - taken from Aurette

Nov 06, 2011 13:46

How helpful is your Muse? 
Not much. He always gives me this absurd plot bunnies and ideas when I'm driving in the traffic or working and then, when I come home to write, he simply sprawls on the bed reading comics, not really helpful.

Do you always have the same Muse? 
Always? I dont' know, this one is a keeper, but I dont' think it was the same when I was a little girl... I really hope not.

If not, are they different for each story? Or do they last for a while and leave? 
He likes to think of himself as a the eclectic help for imagination for every occasion... He changes age and attidtude, sometimes.

How long have you had your current Muse? 
A while, now, some year. I think it's always been him, but he was hiding the scary parts and he can change a lot, it depends on what we are working on, but in essence it's been him since school, I think.

Is your Muse male or female? 
Male, horribly and unequivocally male.

Can you describe your Muse?
He a big horny satyr-like creature, something between the faun from Pan's Labyrinth and a sassy bastard.

Have you ever had difficulty with your Muse?  
Every day, every time he gives me ideas I can't think how to develop and then refuses to help me bring on the ones I already put in action.

How did you resolve it? 
I ignore him. He's so self centered that when he feels neglected for a while he reacts badly.
Bad reaction is exactly what I need.

meme, writer's diary

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