Almost November

Oct 30, 2011 14:20

NaNoWriMo is coming!
Less than a day to go and I still think about joining in... But no, not this year.
50.000 words is really not so much if you think about it, but this year I really don't think I could do it. November is not a good month, if you are a bookseller. December is even worse. 
Christmas is coming and the work becomes frantic, people begin to freak out, customers become crazy and you come home around nine, feeling so tired you could cry... No, November would be a great month if I wasn't a bookseller, but being as it is, NaNoWriMo  is not my thing.

It's time to make a little check up about the things I'm writing right now.

HSD: The long-fic-who-must-not-be-named!
Ok, this is my main project right now, and I can't help being a little preoccupied when I find a tough spot or I feel stuck for a while. 
The master copy counts 9 chapters and 22.000 words and the story is going on pretty smooth. I know where I want to go and I know what the characters are supposed to do, but it's not so easy to bring them there. 
It's the first time I decide to write the entire fic and then publish it, but I feel like it's a good idea, since it's going to be novel length and full of little details that link together.

The Bet - The Prestige - The fic that a much younger fanwriter wrote...
Still translating the second chapter.
Merlin's beard... I found so many mistakes, repetitions, horrors... The horror! The horror....
I was translating the chapter and this time, to help the process, I printed out the entire thing, so I had a paper copy and you know how easier it is to find errors while reading on paper, right?
While translating I began to find repetitions, some periods were repeated from one page to the other, with no change at all... The same metaphores, the same way to describe things. I was a bit shocked. How could it be that this story was published so long ago, people read it, I read it so many times, and nobody told me about those repetitions?
Anyway, now I am in the process of a complete make over of the poor thing, but in English. Not easy. Funny, though.

Lettere alla Luna - Letters to the Moon: the damn thing!
Ok, I stuck myself in a scene where I was not supposed to be at least for another 5 chapters.
It's not supposed to happen, but it does, you know? The story writes itself and you find yourself publishing something that is very, very different from what you had planned.
That's why I'm not publishing HSD yet.
In Lettere alla Luna I have now Sirius and Tonks in a very compromising situation and even if I know how to sort it out, now, I have to write what happens next, and it isn't going to be easy.

Contest entries:
The one  about Fenrir and Sybil 
Yep, them.  I love contests! I had to chose between some prompts and a maximum of three difficulties. I chose the prompt "nails" and it gave me three pairings to chose from. Sybil-Fenrir was just perfect for a prompt like "nails".
The difficulties were quite nice too: I had to choose the most unusual pairing of the three( I did), I had to write a Lemon scene to be interrupted abruptly and I had to end the story with the word scar. I think I did a good job, I like the story I sent, now I have to wait and see.

Another contest, one about fics already published. 
I submitted the italian version of The Weapon.
I'm quite proud of that story, it's the first attempt at writing in English I've ever made and I love how it turned out. The Italian version is a little less... musical, a little less smooth, but I hope it's good anyway.

Last but not least: I've entered a contest about OTPs. You have to write something that it's likely to make people fall in love with your OTP.
In 15 pages, tops.
My OTP is quite guessable if you read this journal, and I know it's quite common and not very odd, for the international fandom, but it is considered a little odd in the italian fandom, for what I read and hear around. I really have no idea how I'm going to write this, and I hope the Muse decides to give me some brilliant idea, because I have a month to write the story.

Time to go to work, so let's.

writer's diary, contest, fan fiction, harry potter, the weapon, hsd, fanfiction

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