Mar 06, 2008 22:11

1. Where is your cell phone?

In the bag

2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby?

reading Dear Abby

3. Your hair?

needs root job

4. Where is your father?

playing Scrabble online

5. Cheesecake?

yes to all

6. Your favorite things to do?

all about food

7. Your dream last night?

Weird, as always

8. Your favorite drink?

Strong black coffee

9. Your dream car?

solar powered Passat

10. The room you’re in?

comfy living room

11. George W. Bush?

kiss my ass

12. Your fears?

drive me nuts

13. Nipple rings?

think I’ll pass

14. Who did you hang out with last night?

boyishly handsome husband

15. What aren’t you good at?

being here now

16. Muffins?

banana with chocolate

17. One of your wish list items?

Nikon D 80

18. Where did you grow up?

Florida and midwest

19. The last thing you did?

Helped kid apply

20. What are you wearing?

killer frye boots

21. Tattoo on the lower back?

never did it

22. Your pets?

padme mattie teacups

23. Your computer?

crabby Dell laptop

24. Your life?

unrecognizeable to me

25. Your mood?

could be better

26. Missing?

pain-free existence

27. What are you thinking about right now?

wine o’clock

28. Your car?

SUV gas hog

29. Your work?

making things grow

30. Your summer?

mostly farmers market

31. Your relationship status?

quite happily married

32. Your favorite color(s)?

I like orange

33. When is the last time you laughed?

10 minutes ago

34. Last time you cried?

in car today

35. High School?

class of 86

35. Personal mantra?

here we go
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